Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bonus: Anti-Transcendentalism

I couldn't have said it better myself.
While I have to give transcendentalism points for at least trying to seem different from romanticism, I have to give anti-transcendentalism points for keeping it real. It is what it sounds like. The reverse of transcendentalism. And they were real guys. If people were born good, then why were there so many bad things in the world?

Explain this, transcendentalists.
If there was an upside, there had to also be a downside. Transcendentalism just kind of brushed all of the bad happenings in the world under the rug, but anti-transcendentalism isn't gonna let that happen. Anti-transcendentalism is gonna call transcendentalism out on its sh*t. They thought that nature was important too. To them, nature was vast and incomprehensible, but it wasn't all roses. It could be bad too. Just like people.

Let's all take a moment to remember that botflies exist.

5 stars, because they hate transcendentalism too.

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